Sand-ladders, our options.

Our options, (photos from the manufacturers website).

Flat sand-ladders, rated up to 3-4-ton.
( If we need another set we may still get these, depending on how the ones we have preform).

The standard reinforced  sand-ladders, rated from 3-ton up to 6-8-ton.
(the reinforced  version we don’t have).

The parallel-reinforced sand-ladders, rated from 3-ton up to 6-8-ton.
(the ones we have opted for).

Flat double welded sand-ladders, rated from 6-8-ton up to  18-20 ton.
(Possible a bit over the top for what we need).

Length options, 1 .25m, 1.5m, 1.75, & 2m,
(we have opted for the 1.5m version, the longer version would not fit between the wheels).


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