Picks axe, Mattock & Axe.

Our reasoning & expectations behind this.
Probably won’t be required very often, but as we already have them, they are available for us to take should we think we need them. As the heads are separate, I am thinking of getting or making an additional mattock-style head, & an axe head. It may also be possible to use the handles with our snow shovels instead of ice axes but the shovel head will need modification, custom-made snow shovel heads may be a better option.

Pick axe & handle.

Mattock head.

Axe head, (handle is not really the right shape for an axe).

Modified snow shovels or custom-made snow shovel heads

More info and Photos and a full write-up to follow soon.

In-use reviews.
Our conclusions.
Other related or affected items.
Recovery kit.